DynamicIT Business Services are committed to provide solutions to your office needs, we are now able to offer a number of office solutions.
Each of our solutions can be tailored to exactly suit your needs or expanded to cover other areas:
We have experience with a number of different booking and rostering systems, these range from rostering employees on work shifts to booking games of golf!
Property Management
We have developed a wide ranging Estate Terrier system that can be tailored to individual requirements, which can include detailed property information, job registration and tracking, meeting minutes and agendas, leasing details and invoicing and comprehensive document handling.
Mailing Systems
A number of our system will allow for automation into Word or Outlook, this can help in areas such as mail merge or email shots.
Health and Safety
Over the years we have been asked to write systems to allow for the recording of COSHH records and to assist in health and safety issues, although these databases are very different, they all follow a similar pattern.
Bespoke System
Many of our systems are written from scratch and can cover just about any topic, if you feel you have a need for some software development then please contact us and we can discuss what the possibilities are.